I am so salty/resentful

Towards my husband. He didn’t get me anything for Valentine’s Day. He then claimed that he forgot. I wasn’t expecting much but some fucking $4 Walmart flowers or a simple thanks for all that you do would have been nice. He then had the audacity to try to give me $ from a vehicle sale THAT WAS FOR THE BOTH OF US, as in we both gained from it, already our money.( I don’t care for money. What’s mine is his and viceversa) I am just so petty that he didn’t give me shit or acknowledges anything I do. I swear if i could I would throw a cast iron skillet at this ugly unappreciative asshole.

Thank you for the comments! I am really just venting my feelings cause I can’t physically throw a cast iron skillet at him. I am all good now just had to share my ball of pettiness somewhere 💕