Anxiety + TTC = nightmare


Hey, I’m completely new to this but looking for some advice. I have posted this on another group but hoping to get get more of a response here!

Me and my partner are TTC our 1st. However I’ve been on the contraceptive pill for many years and only came off it around a week or so ago. I suffer with anxiety and worry about everything.

My issue at the moment is worrying I cannot conceive. I know we’ve only just started properly however I have 1001 worries going through my mind. My partner is super excited and has already started buying baby clothes and bits, but I have told him it could take a while but he says he just wants to be prepared so when the time comes we can get the more important things which is a pretty smart way of thinking for a man 😂

I’m really trying not to worry but as I’ve been on the pill for so long I’m wondering if it has done something to my fertility making me unable to conceive... I know that it won’t be my partner that struggles with his fertility as he sadly lost a baby last year with his previous partner.

I Also know me worrying and stressing is doing more bad than good but I just find it so hard to talk to anyone as all my friends have babies or are pregnant! I can’t talk to my partner as he’s so excited and being really positive about it all! I just feel like I’m stuck...

If anyone has or is going through the same please if you have any words of wisdom or any ways to help stop the worries please let me know!

Thank you x