4 month sleep regression, week....12?

Shayla • 🧔👩 👼👧👼👦👱‍♂️🐕‍🦺🐕 Happily married Mama Bear

Ok so I'm not really sure you can still call it the 4 month sleep regression when you're on month 3 of not sleeping, but that's when the major trouble started and it hasn't stopped since, so I dunno what else to call it.

My baby is 6.5 months old, and began the sleep regression around 3.5 months old. Although it's changed over the months, he's still not sleeping any better. He'll go down just fine at the beginning of the night, but every single time, without fail, he will wake up as soon as I lay down to go to sleep. I sleep in a different room, so therea no possible way it's because I'm making too much noise or whatever. Yet somehow, regardless of whether I go to bed 30 minutes after I put him down or 3+ hours, the moment I lay down, boom! He's awake. I go in, I soothe him without picking him up (help him find his binky, turn on his musical light up seahorse, stroke his face a couple times, etc). And it will appear that he falls back asleep. Until I go and lay down again. The moment I do, sure enough, he's awake again. This happens no fewer than six times (most often more), generally 10-20 minutes apart, before he will finally go to sleep and stay asleep...for maybe an hour. And then it's repeat process all over again.

I'm exhausted. I don't know what else to do with this kid. I've tried the tips on the takingcarababies blog and Instagram, I've tried all the other tips I can find online. What am I missing here? Please tell me this is something he'll grow out of. Soon. I need sleep. 😪 I'm not even sure why I'm posting this except for maybe out of exhausted desperation hoping some magical solution will come of it? I don't know. I'm so tired. 😴


I would also like to add that another factor that makes this all the more stressful is the fact that he's not just disrupting my sleep, but literally the whole family's. We had to transfer him to the crib because he absolutely HATED his pack n play and he was too big for his bassinet. But the crib was too big to fit in our room, so we had no choice but to move him into his brother's room. So when he wakes, he also wakes his brother. Poor big brother ends up sleeping on the couch more often than not and is starting to feel like he doesn't even have a bedroom anymore. And this is limited in how well it works, because when the baby cries, he still wakes everyone in the house. Including his sister, who is on the other side of the wall from his crib (it was the only way we could fit the crib in there, short of disassembling the bunk beds and the dressers and rearranging everything--no thank you). My husband is already an insomniac, but it doesnt help that any time he is finally able to fall asleep, the baby will cry and even over the monitor it wakes him up.

We tried cosleeping, but that doesn't work because my husband can't sleep in the bed if the baby is in it, he tends to take over my husband's side every time.

My husband supports the cry it out method, which I hate. The closest I'll get to that is the one where you only let them cry for a few minutes, then go and soothe, then cry for a few more minutes, etc. But that brings us back to waking everyone else when he cries. So the whole family is sleep deprived at this point and I'm just at a complete loss. 😕