36 +3 days. My OB sent me to L&D. Found out I was having contractions but not enough to admit me. Told me I should be “on watch” no one has checked me for dialation. Can you have contractions without being dilated??

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I had prodromal labor contractions (not BH) for about 4 weeks and only progressed 1 CM.


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I had a contraction episode about 2 weeks ago, they were only showing up worse on the radar because with each contraction the baby would start flailing.


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I started contracting irregularly at 33+4 then turned into contracting regularly at 34+5 every 4 minutes lasting a minute but my son isn’t dropped enough so I’m not dilating. I’m miserable and still contracting regularly. I’ve been to L&D twice and told as soon as he drops more I will dilate quickly and have him soon after. I’m 35+3 now and my doctor has given me tips to help get him to lower because he’s measuring 38+3 so they won’t do anything to stop contractions but they won’t help me dilate till 37 weeks. I just wanna be done and meet my baby


Posted at
Hi I’ll be 36 weeks Friday and I have been having a lot of contractions off and on for about a week the doctor says this is normal


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Everyone’s body is different. You could start contractions but no dilation. You could also need medication to help you start. Just depends on your body, but be sure to ask your doctor all these question & what they think is best for you to do.