bad roll over crash

cydney • sophomore at boise state

Last night I was driving to work at 10:40pm and I fell asleep driving. I opened my eyes to see myself lined up with a telephone pole and going 45mph. I hit 4ft of snow packed into this telephone pole and my car ended up getting tossed into the middle of my work’s intersection and then rolled once my car hit the pavement.

The first thing I did once I stopped rolling was unbuckle my seatbelt so I could get out of my car and make sure it was okay but once I unbuckled I looked around and everything was shattered and broken and bent. I couldn’t breath for a little bit but I did call 911 immediately and I was luckily at the same intersection as the police station so they were there very quickly.

Police tried to assess me first but I couldn’t stop screaming and crying about my car because I just got it in July and it’s a new mercedes. Then ambulance tried to assess me before they took me out of the car and they couldn’t do it because I kept looking around the car and just bawling about everything that was shattered and broken. And when they moved me to a stretcher they wouldn’t let me see my car because they didn’t want me to see it and pass out.

I do want to say that I am okay other than heavy rib and muscle bruising from my seatbelt.

I just feel so fucking stupid and sad and dumb because all I can think about is the fact I completely totaled my new mercedes. My parents flew to Jamaica earlier that morning so I waited until I was cleared from the ER before I told them what happened and at that point I knew I was fine so my only concern was my car.

After I assured her that I was not injured, my mom was very understanding that I was upset about my car, but my dad said that I should feel dumb because cars can be replaced and monetary value doesn’t compare to anybody’s life. I know he is right but I’m not upset about the value of the car, I am upset because of the work I’ve put into owning that car. I am 19 and it’s really the only thing I’ve worked for my whole life and the only reason I go to work in the first place is to be able to pay for it and then I crashed it on my way to work because of how tired I was from working so much. My dad also got mad at me that I was driving tired because I could have hit somebody else and I know I am very lucky that I didn’t hit anybody else but how fucked up is that like come on I wasn’t trying to be tired but I work every night from Monday 11pm to Sunday 7am😭😭

I’ll edit the post with pictures of my car when they let me see them but they aren’t showing me until I calm down about it. I’m sorry for rambling I just feel so stupid 😭😭