3 weeks until I can TTC again and ...


I’m so nervous! End of November I had an ectopic pregnancy and had to get 2 methotrexate shots. Everything has been back to normal and I’ve had 2 normal periods, going on my 3rd period in 5 days. Then I ovulate March 8-10th ish. I’m so nervous, when I saw those faint lines that only got a little darker day by day , and not extremely dark like they should have.. it makes me feel like when I see a faint positive test this time around ( or I should say IF I SEE, bc got knows what can happen) that I’m Going to be a nervous wreck thinking it’s ectopic again. I see all these faint line posts , mine looked like that and ended up being ectopic. How does one get excited for the next faint line after an ectopic? Tell me pleaseeeee