
Last night I had crazy dreams all night (which is usual) but one of the dreams was that I had a miscarriage and now today my anxiety is through the roof. Anatomy scan is next Monday and it couldn’t come soon enough....

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I had a dream that I was sitting in a tub at the hospital waiting to give birth and I feel asleep which caused my body to relax and I gave birth without knowing and I woke up and baby was floating in the water.


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I had a dream with my first baby that I had the baby in the bathroom in college and kept it in a cigar box on my desk and had to blow it up ( because it periodically deflated )🤦🏼‍♀️ all the time and try to hide it all . I have no idea what that was about 😂


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I have had 2 dreams thosnpregnancy about miscarriage I'm 18 weeks I think it's just still the trauma from my miscarriage last may


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I just woke up from the most traumatic pregnancy dream and I’m so so so shaken up from it so I am right there with you. Trying to remind myself how different the dream was from my realty and all the ways it doesn’t line up but it was really traumatic