12 week lo did i mess up?



My 12 week little one has been sleeping straight through the night the past two days which she has never done! so all day long I’m trying to make sure that I’m doing the same thing so that it happens at night again 😆😆 however last night around 4 AM I noticed that she was sucking on her hands a lot with her eyes closed and so I had a stupid idea of going into her room and putting the pacifier in her mouth instead of using her hand. I guess she realized that I was there so she started crying so I tried to go back in and put the pacifier again and she started crying i guess she realized she was hungry so I took her out of her crib and fed her. 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️💆‍♀️💆‍♀️

did I kill the streak of sleeping all night ??! Im so angry with myself. Maybe she would have just self soothed herself n went back to sleep 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Posted at
My daughter goes back and forth. One night she sleeps for 7 hours straight then the next she wakes up every 3-4 to eat. Maybe your little one was just having an off night. My mom always tells me not to be surprised if she doesn’t sleep well for a few days after going all night. She’s still learning.


Stef • Feb 19, 2020
Thank u


Posted at
My LO sleeps through the night a lot of the time but some times she wakes up around 3-4am for a bottle and then goes back to bed. Honestly I’m totally fine with one wake up to eat at this age and she still goes back to sleeping through after a couple days of wake ups!


Stef • Feb 19, 2020
Thank u


Laura • Feb 19, 2020
Cara from TCB always says “infant sleep is not linear” so you can’t expect it to be the same every night!


Posted at
One night wouldnt mess it up. Just let her suck her hand next time! My girl sucks her hands to fall asleep all the time.


Stef • Feb 18, 2020
I know ughhhh


Posted at
No not at all. There is no saying what makes the stars line up just right for sleeping through the night except that they are getting older and able to do so. We go some days straight through and then she will wake at 5am out of nowhere hungry no matter what we do. Just wait until 4 month sleep regression. Ugh. It’s never consistent for very long it seems. Haha. Good luck!


Posted at
Nope not at all!! Sleep is a learning process which means each night may look different for a while. Just stay consistent with whatever methods you choose to use for middle of the night/early morning wakings and you will see the pay off come soon enough. And even then there will be regressions, teething, and sick nights that we will be at their beck and call at all hours of the night again lol