Obscure Bleeding

Hi ya’ll, this is a weird topic to post about, but I don’t want to head to a doctor yet & Google has only scared me more. The past 2 days I have had vaginal itching, bloating, and a little bit of bleeding. At first, I thought it was a yeast infection because I’ve recently been on antibiotics, so I took something for that, but I’m still abnormally bleeding and it is 2 weeks before my period is expected. I’m extremely bloated like I have never been before and I’m experiencing cramps as well as a strange clear stretchy mucusy thing coming from my vagina. The last time I had sex was a little less than 2 weeks ago and he came inside of me without a condom, although I am on the pill. These are all symptoms I’ve never had before and although I don’t think it’s something like an early miscarriage or uterine cancer, I thought I’d reach out to a community of women who might be able to offer me insight if ya’ll have faced something similar. Thank you in advance!