Around 8:30-9pm friday night I thought I peed a little in my pants🤦‍♀️ (my water actually broke on i...

Around 8:30-9pm friday night I thought I peed a little in my pants🤦‍♀️ (my water actually broke on it's own for the first time) 
After that my contractions instantly went from every 30-60mins right down to every 2-3mins! 
Trevor suggested we go to the hospital so I agreed because it was pretty intense.  By the time I got her I was already at a 6 dilated. 
Got to the case room and I was pretty much ready to push but I went into transition and refused to push for about half hour lol 
Anyways I got mad with myself and said to the dr that it was contraction ima push.  One big long push later and he was here! (3mins it took for him to come out) 
I'm still in disbelief here. In active labor for roughly 3hours. 
He was born 11:17pm last night!Â