Feeling very discouraged


I’ve been turned away from labor and delivery twice now. I think my waters leaking because there’s been a trickling for two days now. I don’t want to go back to labor and delivery. They are rude and ignorant. My struck wheel bearings went two days ago and now I’m waiting to for the part to arrive to get it fixed. I’ll be 36 weeks next Monday. I’m very high risk and baby has IUGR. I’ve been dilating for days and cramps and contractions are getting worse. I’m afraid to go back and get turned away. Like they’ve been doing and did with my last child. My babies come very quick. I’m feeling very depressed over this and don’t know who to turn to for help. I’m going in for an ultrasound tomorrow and I’m gonna request to see the doctor or midwife there. I’m about ready to drive the 20 miles to another hospital where I know they will say I’m in the early stages of labor before 4 cm and probably will admit me and induce me. If I don’t get induced soon or if baby doesn’t come on his own I know there will be complications but these fucking people don’t listen. They go by statistics and compare you to other pregnant women. I’m so glad this is my last baby. I’m going to report all of this because this has to stop. Women are getting sent home and having babies at home in the car or in the hospital parking lots because they are going by policies and procedures instead of the patient. I’ve had enough of this shit. I’ve already had my bloody show and they still told me not to come in yet. With my last I had my bloody show and had my baby 3 hrs later. I almost didn’t go for the same reasons as now.