Anxiety attacks


I wanted to post something to see if other women experience the same thing as me. I’ve had anxiety before I even knew what anxiety was. Ever since I’ve been out of highschool and on my own more and more of my childhood/teenage trauma has been coming back up. I stopped partying and I have a serious relationship and we work and pay our bills,etc. I feel like my anxiety has gotten worse since the times of trauma. Just last year I would get attacks randomly that would start making my chin numb and tingle then my arms. When I start to freak out it gets worse and worse. One time I was on the freeway with my love and I told him I was getting an attack. I could barely drive off the freeway because everything was going numb. I climbed out of the car and had to lay on the ground right off the freeway. I felt like a corpse! My whole body tensed and I couldn’t relax. My throat started closing. That was the worst attack ever. I’m scared of them because they legit feel like heart attacks (they are not). I’m taking some leftover Prozac from a prescription I had and it helps a lot. I don’t go down the “anxiety attack path”. I’ve learned to be present and realize I’m having an attack and to just “ride the wave”. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been mentally yet my anxiety shows the opposite! Any one else have anxiety attacks like this??