It’s getting closer

Christina • 👧🏻👦🏻👧🏼👼🏻🤰🏻🌈It’s a girl💕

I’m not fully prepared. I want to get the house deep cleaned and my car. Except I need some good weather so I can clean my car. I also still need to pack my bag. Baby’s bag is already packed. So much to do and no motivation to do it 😆. I’m excited and not ready at the same time. It’s been 3.5 years since I’ve had a baby and I’m so nervous how this is going to go and still being active with the other kids and their extracurricular activities. I can’t wait for baby snuggles and breastfeeding again though 💗. Also can’t wait for everyone to finally know we are expecting another daughter and to announce her gender and name at birth!