Anxiety Medicine


Have any of you mommas struggled with anxiety since becoming pregnant? I have struggled my entire life with anxiety disorder but my husband and I made the decision to taper off my medicine before starting to try for a baby.

We are now 27 weeks with our son but I am having a pretty hard time with my anxiety again. Not every day is bad, which is why I keep pushing through.

I know there are some medications that are considered safe to take during pregnancy. However, from what I’ve read most of those safe medications taken during the 3rd trimester comes with the baby experiencing withdrawal symptoms for a couple weeks after birth. I also worry about these medications causing autism or other issues and they are just unknown at this time because there haven’t been enough studies. I also worry I am hurting the baby because my emotions are running high. I wish I knew exactly what to do. I have battled with this decision for months and am still stuck.

I know I am at a higher risk for PPD/PPA because of my history and I am very anxious this is going to steal my joy of the first few weeks with our son. Have any of you mommas taken anxiety/depression meds throughout your pregnancy? Or has anyone had a past birth where the baby was fine? I am debating going back on my medicine now or toughing it out until he is born and having a plan with my doctor to go back on it as soon as he is born. I have more good days than bad days but the bad days are extremely tough on me and my marriage.