Dmv area


Can anyone help me on what is a great Ob to go to in the dmv area , I am 26 weeks almost 27 on Saturday & I have an Ob but I feel like I’m

Not getting the best of care over there , every situation I bring up they just tell me “ oh that’s normal “ I want to make sure everything is being done to make sure that me & my baby are ok , I want to make sure they don’t overlook something or miss a step & cause something to happen 💯 , yes I know sometimes it’s out of everyone’s control which I understand but I want and need to feel like I’m getting the best care possible & if I feel like something might be wrong , I would like to feel secure that everything’s ok whether that be to run test or check on baby , just whatever they can .. I sometimes leave my doctor still feeling like it could be something else & that’s not ok , if you understand where I’m coming from then thank you but if not that’s ok , just please let me know if there are any GREAT obs that you recommend in the dmv area