Do you think bitch is genderless?

Bumblebabe • starting new :)

I am having a disagreement with my boyfriend about saying bitch. Now I don’t really care if people want to call others bitches but I was explaining why some woman can be offended by it... mainly cause it perpetuates bad female stereotypes.

He claims that because he sees it as genderless and will say it to anyone despite their gender he is ok to use it for all situations. And I was like you are free to use it but it’s like saying the r word...think about who you are actually referring to and insulting when using it in a bad context. Saying a guy is being a bitch when he won’t do something is calling him weak basically.

For me, I’ve been called a bitch when I’ve complained to shut me up and when I don’t put out to be manipulated.

I know some girls have reclaimed the word and taken back and being proud of their bitchyness but isn’t that more so in our power as girls than in my boyfriends hands to make it “genderless”

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