Period or legit pregnant scare? (Stm please answers!)


9 months postpartum soon, no period yet, i ovulated somewhere around the 5th of this month, its now the 21st. (Used opk)

The 16th I woke up incredibly sick, threw up thrice, blacked out for a few minutes twice and just generally felt like crap all day. Ive been having on and off cramps that feel like the beginning of a period. I havent bled or had cramps in about 8 to 7 months though.

The 17th I saw a tiny bit of dark blood in the toilet. I stood up and felt so dizzy i almost fell over, I flushed before I could look closer (ew)

Now, I've been having light cramps on and off ever since. And ive also been constipated, and very gassy. My fiance said I'm clingy and temperamental (I asked him if i was moody). I have been so easy to tick off, it frightens even me. I also have trouble sleeping at night, but am exhausted constantly.

I tested yesterday and it was negative, though I might have seen a shadow, the brand I got from amazon is actually very bad when I'm looking at them now. Ill test again in the morning possibly.

When I was TTC my son, I knew when I ovulated but drs say it happened later than expected. Im thinking maybe its happened again, all of my symptoms are way too close to be the start of a period or whatever. Im not one to symptom spot irresponsibly.