Birth Plan Questions


Hi ladies,

I am currently 27 weeks with our son and I have read so much about birth plans online and in books that I am working on writing mine. Today, I mentioned to my mom some things I wanted in our birth plan and she acted like I was being over the top and all I should be worried about with labor is the baby being healthy. I wanted to share the birth plan with her because I want her in the room with my husband and I.

Of course I am most concerned about getting the baby here healthily and safely so I felt hurt and insulted by this.

I want very much to breastfeed and was going to put in my birth plan that we want immediate skin to skin and I want all procedures (weight, eye treatments, vitamin k shot) delayed for 30 mins to give us a chance to latch as long as the baby is healthy. Along with this I said delay cord cutting until it stops pulsing. I also want to put in our plan that we don’t want visitors at the hospital until after the birth except our parents. Let me tell you, my husband has 12 aunts and uncles and most are retired so we can absolutely see the waiting room being filled with his extended family. Mine, not so much. I really don’t want an audience while I go through labor. After the baby is born and I’m decently clothed and ready, I said visitors would be fine.

I don’t think these are unreasonable and my husband agrees but my mom thinks the nurses and our extended families will be insulted by these requests and I should just let them do their job. Can some of y’all share your experiences? Did you have a birth plan? Am I being a crazy momma for requesting these things? I am a very private person and I want breastfeeding to be a success so badly.