Sex has become a chore that has to be scheduled

I think I’m writing this more to just get it off my chest than to get advice. In the past few weeks, sex has become pretty much nonexistent because it’s now just something that we have to cram in somewhere and there’s always a time limit because it’s really late or we have something else that needs to be done. We’ve started just not having sex at all because it’s easier. We spent fifteen minutes tonight trying to figure out if it would be better to have sex tonight even though it’s late and we’re tired or if we should wait until the morning quick before we have to leave for the weekend. Well now it’s 11:10pm and my husband is laying in bed very much awake and I’m out on the couch because I’m so frustrated that I don’t even want to be around him right now. I just want to cry. The last few weeks have just sucked in general and I just want some time alone with my husband but that just isn’t happening. I keep trying tI find any amount of time alone but there’s always something stopping us. I’m about to just give up. I don’t even want sex tomorrow anymore because it just feels like we have to.