Corrupt Pharmacy Manager


I work as a pharmacy technician under a pharmacy manager that has done many sketchy things. He recently dispensed an incorrect strength of medication to a patient and had them bring it back to trade it out for the correct strength. The thing is all errors need to be logged and he tries to brush these things under the rug. I recently sent an email to the pharmacy supervisor to make her aware of the error the manager made. This is the 2nd error he has made that I have reported to the supervisor, not mentioning the previous errors he has made. The pharmacy manager does not take accountability for his wrong doings. He makes things worse by trying to cover his tracks and in return digs himself into deeper trouble. I am 27 weeks pregnant and continuing to ignore his wrong doings was eating at me. Even now I feel conflicted about having told the supervisor. I am not trying to get my manager fired but I also do not want to be a silent accomplice to his wrong doings. I’m not looking for anything to come from this post I just need an outlet to vent to and hope that everything works out for everyone.

Update: I received a response from my supervisor regarding the incident with the pharmacist. The pharmacist is being investigated. I was asked to write a statement to send to HR. I feel such a relief that something is being done. It feels light a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I hope he gets that he has to do the right thing and not try to hide his mistakes. Everyone makes them he just needs to own up to them.