4C Hair Question?

Hey! So, I don't have 4C hair. I honestly don't have any experience with it, either, but a funny mentor I have has this awesome (and extremely) short crop-hairstyle that I had a question about. I am graduating, and her and I are close as student/teacher dynamics go for college. I want to get her a goofy parting gift called "KritterKlips" as just one way to say thank-you for everything she's done. She also loves cats like crazy, so I really think she'll get a kick out of them! That being said, they are barettes with the ears sewn into them- just traditional, simple black barettes. Will these work well in her hair (with a very pixie-ish, tight-curl cut), or should I find something else (like a small statue) to avoid wearable things backfiring?