I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes very early in my pregnancy due to having it during my prev...

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes very early in my pregnancy due to having it during my previous pregnancy. During the end of my 3rd trimester my blood pressure began to increase. They planned the c-section for February 24th but upped it to the 15th as a precaution. 
By the time early February had rolled around the ultrasound was showing that Ember was 8lbs 7oz. By the time she was due to be born (Feb. 29th) she would have been quite large.
I went into my last appointment on the 13th and my amniotic fluid was on the lowest end of normal so my doctor admitted me to the hospital for observation and set my c-section for 7:30 the morning of Valentine’s Day. 
Ember was born February 14th at 8:14 a.m. and was 8lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long. She was a perfect little chunk. She did end up in the NICU for 24 hours because her sugar levels kept dropping. Then a day later my heart rate and blood pressure decided to shoot up. It took 5 and 1/2 days before we could go home. We are both finally home and doing well.