Is this normal for a 2 year old or should I talk to her doctor?


So my 2 yr old gets mad at the littlest things which I feel like is normal for a toddler but the thing that makes me think what’s not normal is she goes into a rage and will hit, pinch or scratch people or herself for example I’ve seen her hit herself in the face before, she’ll throw things like if she’s by a table that has things on it she’ll throw everything off one time she got mad bc her Early Head Start Teacher stopped reading to her so she take the book and throw it I’ll put her in timeout so she can calm down but if I set her by a wall she’ll hit her head on the wall and won’t stop so I have to set her on the couch to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.... I don’t really know what to do anymore we have one of these meltdowns at least once a day, I’ve tried to talk to my mom about it and she said I shouldn’t worry about it but I don’t know, my boyfriend thinks I spoil her bc I give in sometimes bc I try to avoid the meltdowns which I guess is some what true but then again not really