Alternate paying for lunch OR discuss that I rather we pay separately


So I have a low level thing that's been on my mind.

My coworker who I am not particularly close with, invited me to lunch (this is the 2nd time in the last 6-8 months). And she ended up paying for lunch again. Now I personally offered to pay for my own and really didnt want her to pay. But I accepted and said thank you.

Here is my dilemma, and I know others have this too. I personally do NOT want to get into the habit of one of us paying for the whole lunch bill. My husband and I have a baby on the way and we also are being very strict with our spending. If I was a single women with less responsibilities it would be one thing. But as it stands I do not want to be responsible for what someone else orders or have them be responsible for me.

Again we arent super close, and literally no one else where I work does this. But she is semi new (moved about a year and a half ago), and I guess this might have been normal for where she was. I wouldn't mind getting to know her better but I feel so awkward now that it happened a second time. Idk how to bring this up without hurting possible feelings. And frankly I am not here to jeopardize my job if she takes offense to it.

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