Lower back pain


It’s kinda long but I’m desperate for help.

I’m 29+1 weeks and I’m having the worst/most uncomfortable lower back pain ever. Its not exactly pain, like sharp pain but more like aches and pressure. It hurts to lay down, to stand up, when I do stand up I have to be hunched over to ease the pain alittle. I went to the hospital 2 days ago and they said it was muscle pain and diagnosed me in 5 mins(I think they thought I was just whining), i wasnt having any contractions or anything, just pain/pressure in lower back kinda like a burning pain. Its hard to describe the pain cause it’s not like sharp stabbing pain. They sent me home with muscle relaxers and icy hot pads, which neither are doing anything for me😭 when the pain started Sunday I tried everything to get it to go away(took Tylenol, laid on my left side, drank ice cold water, sat in a warm bath for over a hour I kept refilling the water up with hot water) and nothing helped that’s when I decided to go on in to L&D.