PMS and mental health

I’m just sod wring if anyone experiences the same thing, if anyone has any advice, is this normal, and am I being a drama queen?

So when it comes to periods I’ve always struggled with hormones. It’s not every month, but especially as a teenager I would often find myself feeling suicidal, self harming and being unable to function at random points, then being absolutely fine. I tracked my moods and after a while realised it was around when my period was due and so I put it down to PMT.

Since about 18 onwards it hasn’t gotten to the point where I feel suicidal or self harm. I’ve been able to deal with it much easier and while I do get extremely down and lethargic, I know it’ll be over after a week so can power through.

Fast forward to about a year ago, I had a mental break down and was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). With therapy and medication I have improved significantly and have been back to work for the last 6 months and reduced my medication. The last few months I’ve gone down hill again and about two weeks ago I upped my medication again and I’m due to start a new type of therapy in about one months time.

However I’ve started noticing that just before my periods everything gets so much worse. I have written suicide notes and gone to attempt it but my partner found me, I have started self harming again which I haven’t done in 6 years and often have suicidal thoughts. But again only around the start of my period. Once I come on or a few days after I’m back to being fine again. Back to using my coping strategies and applying the same techniques and being perfectly happy.

Whenever I bring it up to anyone, they say it’s just PMT, it’s no big deal, I’m being dramatic and everyone feels down around that time. So my question is: are they right? Is this normal and I’m being a drama queen? How do I deal with feeling like this? Every month my work and personal life suffers, how do I stop this from happening?

Thank you for your advice x