Feeling discouraged


Hi ladies! Gosh it’s been years. Today it really just hit me. It’s never going to happen again. I can’t convince my husband to accept he is the reason we cannot conceive. Every month I go through this heartbreak and it never gets easier. I want to accept no more babies but I still hold on to a small ray of hope and I don’t know why. I’ve had every test and while my amh is on the low side of the normal range he refuses to accept it’s him. He had a SA and was diagnosed with terataspermia (sp?) and has a low sperm count. He is literally in denial and last month we had a huge argument and he threw in my face how he wants kids so I took a screen shot of his results telling him he is the reason. He has said multiple times the test was wrong blah blah blah - but yet all my tests are normal and yet he has convinced himself he has no problem. This I had great ewcm and a big fat positive opk and dtd at the right times. I even found a soft cup in my stash of ttc items and used preseed AND laid with my legs up for a good 15 minutes and everything. Well I started spotting brown (sorry tmi) when checking my cervix at 8dpo and now it is rust colored which means the ho is on her way 2 days early. I have been crying my eyes out for hours. I just don’t have it in me any longer. I will be 40 this year. FORTY EFFING YEARS OLD. My time is up for more babies. Thanks for listening