HELP: im younger but why can’t He Take Me Seriously? 😭

So, I met this man when I was 19, he was 33. I was a freshman in college away from home, and he seemed so fun, mature and exciting to me at the time. I quickly became wrapped up in him and grew strong desires to be with him. The relationship was a rollercoaster, and I was constantly on edge and trying to prove myself. He said I was pretty and I’d do well in life. He spoiled me a lot. but he told me I was too young and he didn’t need the headaches, I needed to focus and get serious, too young for real life, etc. I never wanted to hear it though.

However, that lasted two years until the end of my junior year 2018, when he decided he didn’t want a real relationship with me. He cut me off and two months later had another woman living in his house. I was devastated. Completely. and I never completely recovered. I finished my senior year of college last May but I never forgot about him. No guy I talked to or dated measured up to him in my eyes. And I love him a lot when he isn’t being an ass 😭

Fast forward this January 2020, and we reconnect over Snapchat. He told me he never wanted to stop seeing me. It was everything I’d been dying to hear.

I think he still doesn’t see me as an adult. Since he left, I graduated undergrad, am working on an MBA I grad school, Work full time, and got a new car and apartment. I’m trying so hard to show him in not just too young anymore 😭 what the hell do I gotta do 😭😂🤷🏽‍♀️