Acne help please!!!


UgHhgHh guyssss, I’ve had acne for YEARS. I used to have extreme cystic acne which I was going to take Accutane for but decided against it due to depression and the medicine has had cases of worsening this. I’m on birth control and my acne is nowhere near what it used to be, BUT I STILL GET PIMPLES OFTEN AND HAVE A WHOLE BUNCH OF BUMPS ON MY FACE AND I DONT THINK THERE HAS BEEN A DAY WHERE IT HAS ACTUALLY BEEN CLEAR SINCE 2016.

It gives me headaches. It makes me insecure and feel awful physically/mentally.

Please give some tips that aren’t drink water, eat healthy, exercise, etc because I do all of that. If you have any specific food or meals that have helped, that would be great. Any other tips or products please send my way. My skin is sensitive but usually doesn’t respond to many products.

I found out you can order Accutane online.... what is your opinion if I ordered two months worth just to get this shit under control. I still get some cysts (rarely) but they can stick around for months.

Acne 2 years ago

Acne now

Just always have a few pimples and bumps on my forehead/smile lines/chin