To Christina


Dear Christina,Chris,love,angel,my dearest

And all the other names I had for you. I was hopelessly in love with you.. we dated for just under two years but known you since 8th grade we are in college well I was in college. we when to the same college on purpose we made sure we were in the same room we lived together the summer before we had planned our lives together.. I had bought the ring and everything I was just waiting for the perfect moment we go home for winter break I gave you a kiss goodbye but your eyes were different somehow you looked like something was bothering you so I asked but you replied “it’s nothing lovely just tired from the drive” I smiled and said I love you you said “so much” and I left that was when I decided I was going to propose to you on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> during the day at least and I planned everything we were going to your favorite restaurant and walk around then I’d ask and that was my plan the ring was a beautiful moon stone your favorite stone you never liked diamonds so the day gets closer its december 21st you text me “lovely we need to talk..” I reply “sure whats up love?” You took a moment to reply “I can’t be with you anymore.” I froze “what do you mean?..” I ask you said “I’m anxious and snippy around you and I don’t want that.” I feel like dying I still do I couldn’t stand even being in the dorm room without you there..we planned everything you even drew the design for your wedding dress so I dropped out. We have everything planned I asked “when did you start to feel this way” you replied since the beginning I stayed quiet slowly I questioned why would you plan your life with someone. why would you dream of having a family with someone why would you even kiss someone you felt uncomfortable around then it all clicked our “friend” keoni was starting to hang around a lot more and then you told me you two were dating 4 days after we broke up that is when I realized you lied to me... you were my everything we planned our lives together to the dogs we were going to have to the house we were going to build to the small apartment in Seattle where I would Teach until you graduated grad school with bear(is a bird) who you loved more than life it self we had everything planned..

Signed your lovely