Sorry just a little rant

Lately my cousin how lives with us(but is moving out like next week) has been trying to spread fake lies about me and telling people who we are mutual friends with not to invite me to hang out with them anymore. I have no idea why, but I'm sick of it.

What also makes it worse is that we do a coruse together and have to see each other there nearly everyday and are forced to work together (I'm going to talk to our tutor and ask her if we can always be in separate groups cause I can here to work and not have any drama)

Like she tried telling my parents that all I do at course is follow her around and breathe down her back, yet I'm not the type of person to do that and everyone knows that.and with our friend is having a party tomorrow and said they where going to invite me but she turned around and told them not to, they didn't but my best friend was intived and asked if I could go with them and he said yes, but he has to act like he didn't know I was coming. Not to mention that she hadn't told my parents she was moving out and told her counselor to call them and tell her.

I am so sick of her right now