Social media can be hard...

I honestly don’t know how celebs do it.

I posted something on a forum, asking for some advice and some support regarding a situation between me and a friend. I got so much abuse for it, it was unreal. I’m not going to go into detail as I don’t want to talk about it now but I got told how much of a shit friend I am and people in general just saying nasty evil things. I get that everyone has an opinion and maybe the situation didn’t sit right with some people or they didn’t agree with me but we’re all human and we all make mistakes. I suffer with mental health problems anyway and now with this I just feel so low. I know I’m not perfect but I’d never call myself a shit friend. I’m always there for my friends. I deleted the app and I’m trying to move on from it now but I originally posted in the hope people would help me feel better about the situation but they didn’t, they made me feel so much worse.

I got abuse from probably 6/7 people and it’s really affected me but celebs get abuse from thousands and I don’t know how they cope. It is awful. Since, people don’t know you and the stuff they say to you behind there screens they would never say to your face and that’s what’s hard as people turn evil. I’ve never experienced this before but this one thing has made me want to switch off from the world. I don’t understand why people can’t just be kind and support one another. Forums like this can be such a lovely place. I’m sure the majority of people are lovely and only want to help people but some people are genuinely not very nice. That’s all I have to say really. Just remember - your words do stick with people and they do have an affect on people. It’s nice to be nice even if you don’t necessarily agree with a certain person, there’s a way to say things without getting personal.