Not ttc relatated. But how would you feel?

Say you are going to a church and have been going on and off for 2 years or so.. you have been going on and off to a women’s bible study group.

They have a group me prayer chain thing

But if you miss 4 bible studies, you get removed from the group.

You aren’t a member of the church but neither is the women who does the adding and subtracting from the group me.

She removes you for missing but keeps women who never even shown up for the first bible study class.. keeping it very clique-ish and selective.

Personally, I feel as Christians.. when someone hadn’t been in about 4 or more weeks you should reach out.. not remove them from the group... to me that makes people feel unwelcome. But what do you think?

She claims she removes people to keep the group me private...

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