Can I vent? No judgement please ‼

Arianna • Aviyana 💗 HC 💙

This will be kinda long but I will try and make this short. I'm 20 years old. I have a 1 year old (she will be 2 March 28th) and I'm 19+3 with a little boy. My daughter's dad and I never had a chance to get to know each other because I got pregnant after 2 months of us dating when we were 17. We were both scared and he broke up with me because I chose to not abort my daughter. Fast forward to April of 2019... we began to try to coparent as best as we could. I never kept her from him, he just chose not to deal with her. Everything was going good with us and we ended up maintaining what I thought was a good friendship. He began to have that complex "I dont wanna be with you but I dont want you to be with anyone else." I decided to move on from the games he constantly played with me and got with my sons dad. I've been knowing my sons dad since I was 11 and he was 12. We ended up moving away from each other as kids but always kept in touch over the years. I allowed him to move in my apartment from his home state and my daughters dad became very jealous to the point he would not keep my daughter for me while I worked and other things. That resorted in my sons dad watching my daughter seeing that I lived in a state where I had ZERO family, ZERO FRIENDS, and ZERO support other than my daughters dad. I couldn't afford daycare and welfare was giving me the run arounds. After the 4th time of him watching my daughter, she ended up with a bad bruise on her back. I was at work of course when the incident happened. He text me immediately saying a headboard fell on my daughter. We had just got a new bed the night before and hadn't connected the headboard to the bed. It was leaning against the walls. It was extremely heavy but I have hardwood floors so it can slide easily. He was supposed to put it together that day but hadn't yet when the incident happened. Long story short I didnt get off of work until 12 AM that night and when she woke up the next day she seemed fine. I took her to the hospital 3 days later for symptoms that were unrelated to the incident (so I thought). Once the staff seen the bruise and I told them what happened CPS was called as a precaution to make sure she wasnt in any danger in my home. She was placed with her dad. They came and inspected my home and I passed their whole safetychecklist. The next week we had a meeting and they wanted to help me by paying for daycare and her father could pick her up from daycare if my hours exceeded over the daycare pick up times. He didnt wanna do that because he said he didnt trust my judgement as a parent to have my daughter around my sons dad. My sons dad has a 3 year old daughter whose life he is very active in and that's why I never hesitated to let him watch her. Because of how bad the bruise was they didnt wanna believe the story about the headboard but they couldn't find any evidence of abuse either. When all this first started it was the end of September. I ended up finding out I was pregnant in November. I made an agreement with my daughters dad that she could live with him temporarily until this case was closed and it was settled in family court. Now the case is about to be closed and hes refusing to give my daughter back to me even though I'm in a whole other state from my sons dad and they are clearing everything because no abuse was found to have occurred. I feel like its causing me to have major depression with my pregnancy. I cant be happy about having 1 child and feel like I abandoned another. Then I'm going through so many changes with my sons dad... hes mad at me for leaving state and doesn't want any parts of my son. So im having serious deja vu.. seeing that I went through almost the same thing with my daughter. I just have so many emotions and stuck in so many places I dont know what to do. I feel horrible because I feel 100 percent responsible for what happened with my daughter. I've never had anything of that magnitude happen under my care or anyone that has babysat her. I feel bad for my son because I dont want him to grow up without his dad but I dont want to be in another situation like I was in with my daughter (being in a state with no family and only depending on him).