My story of losses


So I have a almost 12 yr old son, with my ex husband. Me and my bf decided to have a baby last yr we got pregnant first go round and went to dr for my 12 week checkup. Did ultrasound and baby no longer had a heartbeat, my world came crashing down. We got thru it and leaned on each other thru the loss(had a D&C done). We went thru 2 cycles and decided to try again end of last month. Well we got pregnant again first try. I found out I was pregnant last week. Went to the dr Friday 2/28 because of cramping. Dr said everything looked ok and ultrasound showed maybe 3-4 weeks still too early okay. Well Saturday 2/29 morning about 4 am I woke up with severe cramps and had started bleeding like AF. I have been bleeding and passing clots like my normal period which is usually heavy anyways. Took a test yesterday and big fat negative. So I’m sure we had a chemical pregnancy. Have to go back to dr Tuesday 3/3 for a follow up blood work. After I tell dr what’s going on I’m sure I’ll already know the answer. I didn’t wanna get my hopes up this time around just because of what happened back in November. Glad I didn’t, I’m just worried this will keep happening. How can I be happy about getting those 2 pink lines when the worry is going to be in the back of my mind of knowing how quickly they can be taken away. 🥺