Breast pumping seems to work better


My baby is nearly 3 weeks old and I had been breastfeeding what I thought was successfully. She had actually gained nearly a whole pound at her first week check up. So I thought I was nailing the breast feeding thing. However we had been struggling with some daytime fussiness, minimal napping and what I thought was the beginnings of colic at night. It was pretty rough and I thought that was totally normal. We introduced a bottle of my pumped milk and it seems she might have just been hungry the whole time. She drinks 3-3.5 oz at each feeding about 2-3 hours apart with one or two stretches of 4 hours a day. She seems to nap better during the day and no horrible crying sessions at night so far. Could this be the answer? Was she just hungry and not getting enough milk during breastfeeding? I feel I could have done more to breastfeed better, maybe a lactation consultant could have helped? Did I give up too early?