Help! I have a 3 month old and I want to be pregnant again, pinch me!

Jessica • 32, Married. Sebastián James 11.30.19. Custom at home baker/SAHM

Logically, I don’t want another baby yet. I want to start trying once he turns one year. But it took us 26 cycles of actively trying to conceive him. But my luck, I’ll get pregnant the first shot next time, when I’m not expecting it. That being said, I want to be pregnant again so bad. I had an awesome easy pregnancy, other than being induced at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure and then c section due to not progressing after 24 hours and he wasn’t dropping low enough either.... but I also healed super fast from my c section and felt great. But I was so body confident when I was pregnant and I loved my belly and feeling him inside.

I have baby fever while staring at my baby but can you blame me? Look at him!! I need another one of his cuteness 😍🥰