Bleeding for first two months of pregnancy?


I don't know who needs to hear this but my mom told me the other day that my great grandmother had her period for the first 2 months of her pregnancy for all 6 of her children!! She knows I'm TTC and remembered that her grandmother had told her that weird fact when she was pregnant years ago with me. Certainly interesting. 🤔 I asked her how she knew she was pregnant as this would have been long before you could run out for a pee test and she said that she started feeling sick and her breasts would hurt so she always found out she was pregnant that way. She apparently also told my mom that it worried her at first but by the time she got pregnant with her third she had learned to expect it. Crazy.

Doesn't give me a whole lot of hope that I'm not out this month as AF just arrived. Hopefully that kind of stuff doesn't skip a couple generations because I would hate the anxiety roller coaster of that nonsense. Reminds me though that every woman is different and every journey to motherhood is unique.