What’s going on

So yesterday I posted about a guy who I’ve been hooking up with trying to call me on Snapchat (i don’t have his number I just have him on snap). I thought it was a butt dial so I let it ring. He then said for me to call him back and I asked why and he tried calling me again I couldn’t answer at the time so I said give me a sec and then he said hurry up I need to go in a minute. Ten minutes later I asked if he wanted me to call him back and what’s up. Two hours later which was like 10pm he goes Ye, and I go yeah? and he didn’t open the chat. So an hour late I said I was going to sleep and if he needed to call me to call me tomorrow which was today. He said okay b x. Today I waited and then I messaged and said “hey is everything alright, was there a reason why you called me last night” and he goes yeah call you in a sec. I go ok. And then he asked for my number I gave it to him and he’s yet to call. It’s been over and hour and I want to go to sleep.

I’m worried though. Like we have never called one another so I’m really anxious as to why he wants to call me