I left my fiancé am I wrong?

So my fiancé & I been TTC for 6-7 months ..we’re finally pregnant I’m 4 weeks❤️something told me go through his phone so I did..I saw his sister & his messages. She told him not to get me pregnant & my fiancé laughed & said “lmfao I won’t “ 🤨

My heart raced & I am still shaking so bad trying not to stress my baby out.. he told me before she KNOWS we were trying to get pregnant .. we both agreed to wait to tell everyone I’m pregnant until I’m 14 weeks. I confronted him he said “babe you didn’t want me to tell her you’re pregnant so what did you want me to say “ I told him since she “KNEW “ we were trying none of that made sense & his response could’ve been “you know were trying ..”

Am I wrong.??? Someone please calm me down😞😞😞😞😞