Dud tests? Please, please help me!

Georgina • 25yrs old, TTC for 5 years for our rainbow baby #1. Mama to 3 crazy fur babies and 3 angel babies. 🐶🐺🐱 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

I dont really know how to explain all this so please bare with me. So, at 9dpo I tested with a cheap Tesco HPT and it came up negative. 10dpo I tested with another Tesco test and that came up with a faint positive (see photos). 11dpo I tested with a few different brands, including a FRER, which all came up negative. 12dpo I tested with another Tesco test and that also had a faint positive. I tested again, with the same urine, with other brands and they came up negative.

This had me thinking that maybe the lines I saw were evaps and maybe tesco tests were prone to them. So I showed my husband and had him take one to see if a line would appear. His was completely negative, not even a hint of a line. What the hell is going on? Does anyone have any advice. My period isn't due till Wednesday.

10dpo test: