Am I a shitty mom ? :(


I posted a video of my 11 month old baby on Reddit , looking at fishes at the store . He's a baby and of course initial reaction is to try to touch and like banging( which is very light , not really banging but mostly trying to grab the fish ) the little aquarium. I know how sensitive the fishes are . But when you're focused on your baby being cute and happy and saying his first clear word "fish" aside from mama and dada , I haven't thought much bout it . People start commenting how we should stop taking videos and watch our kid , teach him to to respect all life and how shitty am I as parent.

My initial reaction is mad of course , told them how awesome parents they are , which I know isn't a good response either . But for me there's always a better or nicer way to criticize people and I'm ok with that .

It's been giving me anxiety and my hubby doesn't care much about it. I just overthink. Video has been deleted on that site .

I know we've been talking about not posting pics or videos but I think I'll share this one pic here from that day . I'm ok to criticism but again we can always say it in a nicer way .