In labor 😱


Well been in labor since 3 am yesterday. 4 cm 62% effaced and just waiting 😑 dr sent me to labor at home until my water breaks after staying all night in l&d with little progress. This ones gunna be a slow one

UPDATE : I am still in labor at home had another check today and about 5 cm 70% effaced. Doc says it’s gunna be slow moving for a few days. If by weekend I am still progressing and my water hasn’t broken he will send me to l&d again and beak my water for me to help things along since I’ll be 36 weeks. He is being super cautious due to me being a VBAC and wants to avoid pitocin so if needed and I don’t progress well after my water breaks or is broken he will do another C-section so we will see how things go. He says to be ready for several days of contractions still. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m preparing for this to be like my very first labor which was the only long one I’ve ever had. It was 3 full days of active labor before they broke my water on the third day.

Update 3: so ended up back in l&d of course bc these contractions and pressure are continuously slowly getting worse it’s been about 7-10 days now. I’ve hit 36 weeks but no interventions are being taken yet bc SURPRISE I HAVE A SEVERE BLADDER INFECTION THAT NONE OF MY DRS CAUGHT UNTIL TODAY 😡😡😡😡😡😡. Now they suspect that’s what’s been causing my labor and are treating me with antibiotics for it in hopes it stops all my pain! I’m livid! I’ve progressed to 80% effaced and baby is tucked into my pelvis and cervix just waiting to come out. She’s measuring 7 lbs lungs look fantastic heart brain etc all look perfect but bc of this infection Drs don’t want to do anything aggressive until it’s resolved like wtf!!!!! I’ve been miserable for like 10 days and you’re just now realizing it bc I have an infection!!!!! This is their job how do they miss this crap!!!! So here I am still contracting and cramping and having pressure up the ass unable to pee without pain or function without pain and pressure and they are just letting me wait it out! Ugh I get it but I’m pissed this could’ve possibly all been avoided if they tested my urine properly!