PMDD- is it real? And am I the only one?

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting on this app. So bear with me, I am a newbie.

I started using this app for two reasons...

1, to track my period and 2, to track my mood swings (or depressed states)

I don’t consider myself a moody person or one that gets upset easily. PMS seems to be severe depression- debilitating at times for me.

I wanted to know if anybody else goes through this.

When I talk to my friends, they tell me that they get sad. But in my case, it’s beyond just feeling sad and sensitive. I feel suicidal and that I am failing at everything I do from work to family life. My self esteems plummets for about 3-4 days a month... some months are worse than others but it’s usually around my period.

 I started to go to therapy again, and will likely need medication. I’m not against any of that. I just want to know how common this is.

Personal Facts: I turn 35 this year and I am a mother of one child. I have a business that is very stressful. I am on an IUD which from my perspective has not affected my body emotionally nor physically. I’ve been on it for 2.5 years.