Faking orgasms NEED TO VENT !!!

So I love my husband very much. We’ve been together since I was 18 years old. We have 4 children together, and been together for 16 years and married 13 years. He’s a little older then me. We had a cyber cheating issue on his part in the third year of our relationship. I “forgave him” At this time I was pregnant with his child. I feel like ever since he did that to me I couldn’t really enjoy sex with him. I don’t get wet I use lube. Even though I am wet any other time. Even after I’ve forgiven him. So I just been faking it for years. I talked to him about me not being able to have an orgasm. He said talk to doctor about, but because I’m married I just let him get enjoy it. I tired everything went to doctor, (therapist because I was exposed to sex at an early age). I’ve bought sex toys I’m lose, I just realized I don’t enjoy sex anymore. I can go months without it. So I told him last year that we should just stop wasting time and just co-parent. So that I can really can find out why I can enjoy sex.

I just feel like I’ve neglected myself all these years, I feel like we’re just roomies.

Has anyone every tried everything and then left a married because you lost yourself in it?