Struggling to settle baby.. read this!

I have been struggling to settle my 2months old baby for weeks now and she just won’t settle in her Moses basket at all. Falls asleep on me all time...

I was pulling my hair out and so exhausted until my sister in law told me about this <a href="">baby app</a>. I thought yea right as if that will help..

Omg it really does. Not saying it will work for everyone but if you are in same boat as me and just cannot get a minute and are so exhausted you will try anything right?!

Download the app White Noise. I put on the sound of the womb, put my baby girl in her Moses basket awake, put her pacifier in and she settled almost instantly. Listened to it for wee while then drifted off.. she slept for nearly 7hours flat out. Could not believe it!

On night number 3now and this is our bedtime routine.. no more every 10mins waking up not settling. She sleeps for at least 6-9 hours hoping this lasts..

Give it a go.. there’s other noises too on it. Hope it works for you guys too! Goodluck 😀