
I hate that I feel this way. I have a really close group of families that we all were part of a parent group with our first borns. We had all talked about having at least 2 kids. I am one of the oldest in the group. We started trying over 8 months ago, in that time every month it feels like another couple announces they are pregnant. Just had another one announce today that they are 12 weeks. This couple had a really hard time the first time, so I do not begrudge them at all. AND I am really nervous about starting the <a href="">fertility treatment</a> process.

Just not sure who I can lean on. Taking this time to be sad. Because I really am happy for all the couples - and frustrated that I am having such a hard time, and mad at myself for not simply being grateful that I have a beautiful daughter and a great support system.

Thanks for “listening”