What should I do?

Hi ladies! I’m on CD 48 today and lost. I’m 9 days late for my period. I’m not pregnant, I just tested yesterday morning and completely negative. I know you can have anovulatory cycles. With that being said, I know my period is not coming. I don’t know if I should have my OB call me in progesterone to help start my period or if I should start taking OPK’s again. I tested a ton the month of February and never got a positive OPK. I had some light pink blood on the 26th. I’m wondering if that could’ve been my little bit of period from not ovulating? We’re TTC and we’ve been trying for 2 years with 2 losses. I’m just lost and don’t have a clue what to do. (We had sex more than it shows, I just don’t always track.)