Early symptoms before missed period

Hannah • HannahBee🐝

This is me and my husbands second time trying and ever since I got my positive ovulation test I had a feeling in my gut that this was it. That was 9 days ago and then on Friday I started feeling nauseous and that night I had a dream I found out I was pregnant and when I woke up I swear I knew I was pregnant but I didn’t test because it was way too soon. For the last two days I have been incredibly nauseous, dizzy spells, bloating in my uterus area, constant hunger and urination and the worst heart burn of my life. If I test tomorrow it will be 10dpo I’ve seen that some people get a positive that early I just know I will be so sad if I’m not. I’ve thought about waiting until my missed period that way I don’t have to see a negative but I’m so anxious about it. I have always dreamed of being a mom and having babies and waited for the right person. We just got married in December. My husband has also wanted to be a dad so we knew we would try right away. He is 30 and I’m 26. I also suffer from endometriosis so I’m praying that doesn’t complicate things. Anyway, any advice from anyone who understands. I feel silly writing this as I know lots of women try for years before they get pregnant.