Bee sting...

Y’all I can’t make this shit up.... I was in my grocery store, buying groceries for the month (obviously) and I was finishing up my shopping and was going to get some fruit, I decided against getting chips of cookies for snacks and was going to be healthy... I was getting some apples (this is an indoor store) and I felt a sharp pain on my arm. I look down and there’s a fucking bee!!!! I have a slight allergy to bees (nothing life threatening more annoying) but I stood there in shock 1. OUCH 2. WTF 3. Who gets stung by a bee in the store?! So I waddle over to someone who was working (with a full basket of groceries). (Oh and I’m 36 weeks pregnant) show her the bee that is still in my arm. She rushes me to the front desk and they send me to the pharmacist... y’all this dude looks and goes “yup you got a bee stinging you” by this time it’s been 5 minutes the bee falls out but the stinger is still there.. and I have to ask the pharmacist if they can take the stinger out. They were just going to send me home with it still there. They look for something to take it for another 5 minutes by this point I’m dizzy and my body is red and I’m itchy all over. They pull the thing out help me load my groceries in my car (yes I paid for them) and I drove home... You know this wouldn’t have happened if I would have just gotten the damn chips!!!! I’m

This picture is now 8 hours later ⬇️

Still hurts like a bitch

⚠️🐝 I have never been stung by a bee before. I was kinda in shock and I didn’t know if I could use my fingers to get it out because I didn’t have anything else on me. I went to get help and they told me to leave it in the manager needed to get pictures for the stores records. I have been stung by a wasp and had an allergic reaction so I assumed I was allergic to bees too and I am. I knew I needed the stinger out I’m not stupid but I didn’t know if I needed tweezers or something... I was also a little scared as I am super pregnant🐝⚠️